What we believe


We believe in God who exists in three persons, God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Our God is the author and sustainer of all creation. Our God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving. We were created to bear the image of God and to love Him with all our heart,
mind, and spirit.


We believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

Being fully God, he came and dwelt among humanity as one of us; he was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, was crucified because of our sin and identifies with us in our shame, was raised from the dead by the power of God on the third day, ascended to heaven and will return again at the consummation of the Kingdom of God.

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, and salvation can be found in no other name.


We believe the Holy Spirit lives within every disciple of Jesus...

to empower grace-filled transformation of the follower and the community of faith into the likeness of Christ. The Holy Spirit gives the people of God spiritual gifts to build up the church for its participation in the
mission of God in the world.


We believe that salvation is the gift of God for all of creation that sets things right and makes all as God always intended it to be.

Salvation is a gift of deep mercy and grace from God to the world. All creation is broken because of the effects of sin and in need of reconciliation with the Creator. In response to God’s saving work through Jesus Christ, we repent, are baptized, and raised as new, redeemed creations gifted with the Holy Spirit. In salvation, God frees us from the sins of our past, liberates us to participate in His mission in the present, and gives us hope
for the future.


We believe the Word of God is authoritative and life giving for followers of Jesus.

In the Bible, God reveals His love for humanity and we find on its pages the story of that love, grace, reconciliation and redemption into which God invites all people to live.


We believe that the Church is the body of Christ with Jesus as its head.

The Church is the community of his followers who have been empowered by the Spirit to embody God’s mission of reconciliation and restoration to the world for God’s glory.


These are the core values of our church family at City Collective. From them, our shared life together flows into the world for God's glory and our deep joy! Join us over the next several weeks as we explore them together in our vision series for 2023!


Our allegiance is to Jesus and his kingdom alone. We submit ourselves in obedience to his vision for life and we offer our lives in service to him.


We are determined to live out God's call on our lives as a community sent to the world to both demonstrate and declare the Good News of Jesus' reign. We believe that the outworking of discipleship is leveraging all that we have and are for his glory and the restoration and redemption of all things.


Because he is our king, we follow Jesus' example of humility and service. We embody a posture of curiosity, learning, and discernment as we embrace Jesus'call to be authentic, transparent, loving, and quick to repent.

Spirit Empowered

We affirm that none of this is possible apart from the power of the Holy Spirit, the same power that raised Jesus and is alive and at work in the community of faith and in us as Jesus' disciples. We are dedicated to the leading of the Holy Spirit into the mission of God and trust in the power and wisdom that God gives his church through his Spirit.


As apprentices of Jesus, we choose to deny ourselves to become more like him. As we journey with him and learn his ways, we experience the fullness of life and his transformational work.


As Jesus’ disciples, we are ruggedly committed to live our shared life in the unity of Christ. We share in the joy and responsibility of living together as members of God's family.

Questions? Thoughts? We’d love to chat. Start a conversation at info@citycollectivechatt.com

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